Disebabkan tahun ini saya beraya di perantauan, jadi jom kita lihat Juadah Raya Orang orang yang nak kawen orang Kelantan atau nak berkunjung ke rumah orang Kelantan sempena raya boleh jangka apa yang akan dihidangkan...
Menu Popular
1) Kat mana-mana rumah ni menu paling popular...sebab sedap, senang nak masak iaitu Nasi Kerabu.
Ada macam-macam jenis lauk contohnya:
-Daging bakar
-Ayam Bakar
-Daging Goreng Kunyit Kelantan
-Ayam goreng
-Telur masin
-Keropok keping
-Solok Lada
-Bawang Putih jeruk
-Ulaman (daun serai pokok itu wajib)
-Sambal kelapa
-Sambal cili
-Tumis budu
Ya Allah nyakut molek
2) Nasi dagang, menu no 2 popular...sebab lebih renyah nak buat dan kena kukus nasinya
-Ayam gulai
-Gulai telur
-Gulai ikan tongkol
-Gulai udang
-Sambal kelapa
-Acar mentah timun carrot
-Sambal cili
3) Ketupat daun palas yang dimakan bersama nise nira kelapa ataupun nise kerek. Ada pelbagai inti dan rasa iaitu ketupat manis, ketupat tawar, ketupat isi kacang merah, serunding ayam atau daging.
4) Tape (Tapai) Pulut samaada yang dibungkus dengan daun getah atau daun pisang..saya tak makan tape tapi selalu jadi tukang bungkus tape daun getah.
Dan tak dilupakan menu-menu lain...tapi yang ini paling lejen...
Zia ANis
*kredit kepada pemilik gambar2 diatas.
~Zia Anis~ “Wahai Tuhan Kami, ampunkanlah dosa kami dan dosa saudara-saudara kami yang mendahului kami dalam iman, dan janganlah Engkau jadikan dalam hati kami sebarang perasaan hasad dengki dan dendam terhadap mana-mana orang beriman. Wahai Tuhan kami! Sungguhnya Engkau amat Pelembut dan Pengasih.” Ameen Ya Rabbal 'Alamin.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Friday, June 24, 2016
Ibadah 10 Terakhir Ramadhan Bagi Wanita Haid
Saya nak kongsikan amalan yang boleh dilakukan oleh wanita dalam haid sepanjang 10 ramadhan terakhir. Semoga bermanfaat.
Kredit kepada Shahmuzir
“Errrm tak boleh pulak nak beribadah di 10 terakhir Ramadhan ni…”
Tentunya semangat kita sebagai wanita
berkobar-kobar ingin memenuhi 10 terakhir Ramadhan ini dengan
ibadah-ibadah sunnat. Namun, apakan daya. Ia taqdir ALLAH yang
seseorang itu mesti redha.
Berikut adalah beberapa nasihat yang
wajar diamati oleh para muslimah sekiranya didatangi haid sedangkan di
dalam hati bersemangat hendak beribadah. Disenarai juga beberapa ibadah
yang boleh dilakukan sebagai alternatif kepada solat, puasa dan iktikaf
di masjid yang dilarang mereka melakukannya ketika haid.
1. Redha dengan ketentuan ALLAH
Mempunyai perasaan redha terhadap
ketentuan ALLAH adalah sesuatu yang sangat penting ada di dalam hati
seseorang mukmin. Ia menandakan keimanan seseorang terhadap qadar dan
qadha ALLAH. Sifat redha akan membuatkan seseorang itu menjadi tenang
dan bersangka baik dengan Tuhannya. Dan sifat redha ini adalah sifat
yang mahmudah yang insyaALLAH besar pahalanya di sisi ALLAH. Bukan
senang seseorang itu hendak redha. Justeru, redhalah. Ada ganjaran
pahala buat orang-orang yang redha, insyaALLAH.
Redha adalah tanda kehambaan hamba kepada Tuhannya.
2. Bangun malam di 10 terakhir Ramadhan
Memang ibadah terbaik pada 10
akhir Ramadhan ialah solat-solat sunat. Namun, disebabkan oleh
wanita-wanita haid/nifas tidak boleh bersolat, maka hendaklah dicari
ibadah lain bagi menggantikannya supaya kelebihan beribadah pada waktu
malam tersebut tidak berlalu begitu sahaja. Contoh ibadah yang boleh
dilakukan ialah:
- Membaca atau mendengar ayat-ayat al-Quran tanpa memegang mushaf al-Quran.
- Mentadabbur ayat-ayat al-Quran iaitu melihat makna/terjemahan lalu menghayati maksud ayat-ayat al-Quran.
- Dzikrullah iaitu mengingati
ALLAH sama ada melalui lidah, hati atau perbuatan. Banyak
kalimah-kalimah dzikir yang boleh diucap dan diamati berulang-ulang
kali, antaranya:
- “SubhanAllah” (Maha Suci ALLAH)
- “Alhamdulillah” (Segala Puji Bagi ALLAH)
- “Allahu Akbar” (ALLAH Maha Besar)
- “La Ilaha illa ALLAH” (Tiada Tuhan selain ALLAH)
- “SubhanAllahi wabihamdih, SubhanAllahil`Azim” (Maha suci ALLAH dengan segala pujian kepadaNYA, Maha suci ALLAH Yang Maha Agung)
- “La hawla wa la quwwata illa biLLAH” (Tiada daya dan tiada kekuatan melainkan dengan ALLAH)
- Dan lain-lain lagi.
- Memohon ampun kepada ALLAH iaitu beristighfar. Ucaplah “Astaghfirullah” (aku memohon keampunan ALLAH) berulang-ulang kali. Memohon keampunan daripada ALLAH adalah ibadah yang utama dan penting untuk dilakukan seseorang mukmin, terutamanya pada bulan Ramadhan.
- Berdoa memohon apa yang dihajatkan untuk kebaikan di dunia dan di akhirat. Berdoa juga adalah ibadah.
- Bersolawat ke atas Nabi Muhammad sallAllahu `alaihi wasallam.
- Muhasabah diri.
- Membaca buku-buku agama yang darinya boleh menambahkan ilmu, menimbulkan keinsafan dan peningkatan Iman serta makin dekat dengan ALLAH.
- Melakukan amalan-amalan sampingan lain seperti menyediakan juadah untuk bersahur dan mengejut anak-anak atau teman-teman untuk bangun sahur juga boleh dikategorikan sebagai amalan-amalan yang soleh yang bakal mendapat ganjaran ALLAH Subhanahu wa Ta`ala.
Tidak ada sebab untuk seseorang
meninggalkan ibadah berjaga malam walaupun sedang mengalami ‘uzur’.
Apatah lagi peluang menghidupkan malam pada 10 terakhir Ramadhan.
Kerana kita sangat digalakkan untuk memburu Lailatul-Qadar pada
malam-malam 10 terakhir Ramadhan. Oleh itu, janganlah ditinggal terus
dari beribadah pada waktu malam walaupun anda sedang didatangi haid.
3. Ibadah-ibadah dan lain-lain amalan soleh.
- Menghadiri majlis-majlis ilmu.
- Menjauhi perbuatan-perbuatan syubhah dan haram terutama yang melibatkan lidah.
- Memberi nasihat, amar ma`ruf nahi mungkar.
- Menulis di emel, blog, laman sosial dan lain-lain bentuk penulisan yang mengajak manusia kembali beragama.
- Menyediakan juadah berbuka puasa untuk
ahli keluarga dan taulan yang berpuasa. InsyaALLAH, seseorang yang
ikhlas memberikan makanan kepada orang yang berpuasa untuk berbuka akan
turut memperolehi pahala berpuasa tanpa mengurangi pahala orang berpuasa
- Boleh baca di sini hadithnya: Beberapa Hadith Nabi Tentang Amalan Sunat Pada Bulan Ramadhan
- Berinfaq.
- Membantu orang yang kesusahan.
- Menyebarluaskan salam.
- Dan banyak lagi tidak terkira.
ALLAH Maha Pemurah. Banyak peluang lain
yang ALLAH sediakan buat hamba-hambaNYA. Dan pahala dariNYA memang DIA
sediakan buat hamba-hambaNYA yang suka mencari keredhaanNYA. Konsep
ibadah ini terlalu luas. Bukankah seluruh kehidupan kita juga boleh
jadi ibadah? Selamat beribadah di 10 terakhir Ramadhan. 
Zia ANis
Monday, June 20, 2016
Amalan yang PERLU dibuat sepanjang Ramadhan
Ini perkongsian yang saya catat daripada tazkirah Ustaz Jafri. Sangat menarik tazkirah dan cara penyampaian beliau. JOm pakat2 dengar di youtube ek.
Ramadhan dah separuh berlalu...moga kita bertemu dengan Lailatulqadar.
Amalan yang PERLU dibuat sepanjang Ramadhan dan moga istiqomah selepas Ramadhan...
1) Solat sunat 2 rakaat sebelum subuh.
“Dua raka’at fajar (shalat sunnah qobliyah shubuh) lebih baik daripada dunia dan seisinya.” (HR. Muslim no. 725). Jika keutamaan shalat sunnah fajar saja demikian adanya, bagaimana lagi dengan keutamaan shalat Shubuh itu sendiri.
2) Solat subuh...berjemaah..Isyak juga
(yang lain2 pon digalakkan ke masjid juga..tapi yang ni kena jaga)
3) Solat sunat Tahajuud disepertiga malam... 2 atau 4 rakaat.
4) Solat sunat Witir (2 +1)
5) Sentiasa baca quran, walaupun sedikit. Jangan ditinggalkan. Amalkan membaca Surah Almulk sebelum tidur..yang akan menjadi peneman di dalam kubur..sesungguhnya kubur itu gelap.
6) Sentiasa berwuduk
7) Dan memperbanyakkan langkah ke masjid
Semoga Allah terima amalan kita semua.
Selamat beramal.
Zia ANis
15 Ramadhan
*1ramadhan hari isnin....berjaga2 lah di malam 21 Ramadhan...mungkin Lailatulqadar malam tersebut..Allah lebih tahu.
Ini perkongsian yang saya catat daripada tazkirah Ustaz Jafri. Sangat menarik tazkirah dan cara penyampaian beliau. JOm pakat2 dengar di youtube ek.
Ramadhan dah separuh berlalu...moga kita bertemu dengan Lailatulqadar.
Amalan yang PERLU dibuat sepanjang Ramadhan dan moga istiqomah selepas Ramadhan...
1) Solat sunat 2 rakaat sebelum subuh.
“Dua raka’at fajar (shalat sunnah qobliyah shubuh) lebih baik daripada dunia dan seisinya.” (HR. Muslim no. 725). Jika keutamaan shalat sunnah fajar saja demikian adanya, bagaimana lagi dengan keutamaan shalat Shubuh itu sendiri.
2) Solat subuh...berjemaah..Isyak juga
(yang lain2 pon digalakkan ke masjid juga..tapi yang ni kena jaga)
3) Solat sunat Tahajuud disepertiga malam... 2 atau 4 rakaat.
4) Solat sunat Witir (2 +1)
5) Sentiasa baca quran, walaupun sedikit. Jangan ditinggalkan. Amalkan membaca Surah Almulk sebelum tidur..yang akan menjadi peneman di dalam kubur..sesungguhnya kubur itu gelap.
6) Sentiasa berwuduk
7) Dan memperbanyakkan langkah ke masjid
Semoga Allah terima amalan kita semua.
Selamat beramal.
Zia ANis
15 Ramadhan
*1ramadhan hari isnin....berjaga2 lah di malam 21 Ramadhan...mungkin Lailatulqadar malam tersebut..Allah lebih tahu.
Friday, June 17, 2016
100 hari pemergianmu
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,
Hari ini 12 Ramadhan, genap 100 hari pemergian abang kandung saya (anak ke-5). Beliau menghembuskan nafas terakhir pada March lalu pada usia 37 tahun disebabkan denggi berdarah dan dikesan kurang daripada 24 jam dan meninggalkan seorang isteri dan dua anak lelaki kecil berusia 4 dan 1 tahun setengah.....sedih dan kerinduan yang menggunung..tetapi saya selalu cakap pada hati dan diri sendiri, bahawa setiap yang bernyawa akan merasai mati. Dan cukuplah kematian menginsafkan yang hidup. Dan apa yang kita ada, miliki hanyalah pinjaman semata...kita tak punya apa..Allah punya segalanya.
Sudilah kiranya teman pembaca, bersedekah Alfatihah kepada arwah abang saya. Terima kasih saya ucapkan. Moga kita semua mendapat rahmat Allah.
Hari ini 12 Ramadhan, genap 100 hari pemergian abang kandung saya (anak ke-5). Beliau menghembuskan nafas terakhir pada March lalu pada usia 37 tahun disebabkan denggi berdarah dan dikesan kurang daripada 24 jam dan meninggalkan seorang isteri dan dua anak lelaki kecil berusia 4 dan 1 tahun setengah.....sedih dan kerinduan yang menggunung..tetapi saya selalu cakap pada hati dan diri sendiri, bahawa setiap yang bernyawa akan merasai mati. Dan cukuplah kematian menginsafkan yang hidup. Dan apa yang kita ada, miliki hanyalah pinjaman semata...kita tak punya apa..Allah punya segalanya.
Sudilah kiranya teman pembaca, bersedekah Alfatihah kepada arwah abang saya. Terima kasih saya ucapkan. Moga kita semua mendapat rahmat Allah.
Banyak kenangan manis..tapi semua hanya kenangan.
Moga Jannah tertinggi disediakan buatmu.
Zia Anis
12 Ramadhan
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Resepi Puteri Ayu
Hari ni saya nak kongsi dan save resepi untuk rujukan saya di masa depan. Dah lama nak buat sendiri....dan akhirnya terlaksana, alhamdulillah...saya gunakan pengukus yang saya bawak khas dari pengkalan kubur ke Germany..gigih x? hehhehe
Mudah cuma renyah skit...especially kalau acuan x banyak...
4 cawan tepung gandum
1 1/2 cawan gula caster
3 biji telor
1 1/2 cawan santan ( saya gunakan satu kotak santan segera)
1 sudu makan ovelette
1 sudu teh pewarna hijau
sedikit garam
Inti kelapa
1 biji kelapa parut putih sahaja (saya gunakan kelapa kering dan dikukus sekejap bersama sedikit air)
2 sudu teh garam
1 sudu makan tepung gandum
Hari ni saya nak kongsi dan save resepi untuk rujukan saya di masa depan. Dah lama nak buat sendiri....dan akhirnya terlaksana, alhamdulillah...saya gunakan pengukus yang saya bawak khas dari pengkalan kubur ke Germany..gigih x? hehhehe
Mudah cuma renyah skit...especially kalau acuan x banyak...
4 cawan tepung gandum
1 1/2 cawan gula caster
3 biji telor
1 1/2 cawan santan ( saya gunakan satu kotak santan segera)
1 sudu makan ovelette
1 sudu teh pewarna hijau
sedikit garam
Inti kelapa
1 biji kelapa parut putih sahaja (saya gunakan kelapa kering dan dikukus sekejap bersama sedikit air)
2 sudu teh garam
1 sudu makan tepung gandum
Cara-cara membuatnya:
Ayak tepung, ketepikan.
Putar telor + gula sehingga betul2 kembang.
Masukkan ovelette dan pewarna hijau, putar lagi sehingga sebati.
Masukkan tepong sedikit demi sedikit berselang seli dengan santan sehingga habis.
Inti kelapa- satukan semua bahan, gaul sehingga rata.
Sapu acuan dengan minyak, ambil sedikit inti kelapa, tekan2 dalam acuan tadi, tuang adunan.
Kukus selama 10-19 minit atau sehingga masak. Saya balut sekeliling penutup pengukus dengan kitchen towel atau napkin supaya wap x keluar, lagi cepat proses masak.
Not bad for first trial...rasa pun sedap.
Selamat mencuba
ZIa Anis
Ayak tepung, ketepikan.
Putar telor + gula sehingga betul2 kembang.
Masukkan ovelette dan pewarna hijau, putar lagi sehingga sebati.
Masukkan tepong sedikit demi sedikit berselang seli dengan santan sehingga habis.
Inti kelapa- satukan semua bahan, gaul sehingga rata.
Sapu acuan dengan minyak, ambil sedikit inti kelapa, tekan2 dalam acuan tadi, tuang adunan.
Kukus selama 10-19 minit atau sehingga masak. Saya balut sekeliling penutup pengukus dengan kitchen towel atau napkin supaya wap x keluar, lagi cepat proses masak.
Puteri ayu sedang dikukus
Not bad for first trial...rasa pun sedap.
Selamat mencuba
ZIa Anis
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Lasagna Sedap dan Mudah
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,
Macamana puasa? Semoga bertambah amalan kita dan tidak hanya di bulan mulia..tapi berterusan selamanya.
Dan lama tak kongsi resepi. Kali ni saya nak share resepi Lasagna yang sedap...dan mudah jer nak buat.
FIlling (inti-daging)
-minyak masak/minyak zaitun
-bawang putih 2 ulas
-bawang besar, dipotong dadu kecil
-350 gram daging kisar
-sos tomato/sos prego spageti
-cendawan (tak der takper) dipotong dadu kecil
-carrot dipotong dadu kecil
-sos cili 3 sudu besar
Sos keju (sos putih)
-4 keping keju cheddar
-300 ml susu segar
-3 sudu besar mentega
-3 sudu besar tepung gandum
dan 8-10 lasagna sheet/noodles direbus dengan sdikit garam dan minyak sehingga separa masak.
Cara memasak.
Sos keju
Di dalam periuk atau kuali, Cairkan mentega, masukkan tepung gandum, kacau rata, masukkan susu dan last masukkan keju...kacau sehingga masak dan sejukkan.
Masukkan minyak, dah panas masukkan daging, kacau sehingga masak..dan masukkan bawang putih, bawang besar.
Kemudian masukkan sos tomato/sos prego. Kemudian masukkan sayur (carrot, mushroom) dan blackpepper, garam gula dan sos cili..dan masukkan juga kiub ayam..untuk lebih sedap.
Kemudian biarkan mendidih dan masak.
Bila dah sejuk, boleh melapis lasagna dalam baking tray atau pyrex yang dioles minyak zaitun.
Mulakan dengan filling, lasagna sheet, sos keju dan ulang sampai habis. Dan dihias dengan keju untuk pizza topping.
Masukkan dalam oven 200celcius untuk 45 minit.
Dan wallah..sedap.
Selamat mencuba tau.
Zia Anis
Macamana puasa? Semoga bertambah amalan kita dan tidak hanya di bulan mulia..tapi berterusan selamanya.
Dan lama tak kongsi resepi. Kali ni saya nak share resepi Lasagna yang sedap...dan mudah jer nak buat.
FIlling (inti-daging)
-minyak masak/minyak zaitun
-bawang putih 2 ulas
-bawang besar, dipotong dadu kecil
-350 gram daging kisar
-sos tomato/sos prego spageti
-cendawan (tak der takper) dipotong dadu kecil
-carrot dipotong dadu kecil
-sos cili 3 sudu besar
Sos keju (sos putih)
-4 keping keju cheddar
-300 ml susu segar
-3 sudu besar mentega
-3 sudu besar tepung gandum
dan 8-10 lasagna sheet/noodles direbus dengan sdikit garam dan minyak sehingga separa masak.
Cara memasak.
Sos keju
Di dalam periuk atau kuali, Cairkan mentega, masukkan tepung gandum, kacau rata, masukkan susu dan last masukkan keju...kacau sehingga masak dan sejukkan.
Masukkan minyak, dah panas masukkan daging, kacau sehingga masak..dan masukkan bawang putih, bawang besar.
Kemudian masukkan sos tomato/sos prego. Kemudian masukkan sayur (carrot, mushroom) dan blackpepper, garam gula dan sos cili..dan masukkan juga kiub ayam..untuk lebih sedap.
Kemudian biarkan mendidih dan masak.
Bila dah sejuk, boleh melapis lasagna dalam baking tray atau pyrex yang dioles minyak zaitun.
Mulakan dengan filling, lasagna sheet, sos keju dan ulang sampai habis. Dan dihias dengan keju untuk pizza topping.
Masukkan dalam oven 200celcius untuk 45 minit.
Dan wallah..sedap.
Selamat mencuba tau.
Zia Anis
Monday, June 6, 2016
Quran Recitation During Ramadhan Juzz 1-5
Salam Ramadhan
Hopefully this year we can do Quran Recitation During Ramadhan and not just recite but also to understand or to know their translation.
The first Juz of the Qur’an comprises its opening chapter, the seven verses of al-Fa¬tihah (the Opener) and the first part of its longest chapter, al-Baqarah (the Heifer). It is not without reason that some of the early generations considered al-Fatihah to be the ‘Mother of the Book’. In its seven short verses, it contains praise of Allah, it affirms worship must be for him Alone and ends by informing us about the path of guidance. It is followed by the first part of al-Baqarah, which unfolds the nature of mankind through the narrative of the story of Adam and his expulsion from Paradise. The chapter then moves onto the story of the Children of Israel (the Jews) and teaches us important lessons from the story of the heifer (cow).
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
1. Al-Fatihah
2. Al-Baqarah (1 - 141)
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
• Worship is solely and exclusively for Allah, and one must turn to Him Alone for help;
• Allah divides mankind into three categories: Believers, Disbelievers or Hypocrites and describes the characteristics of the hypocrites;
• The story of the heifer contains great lessons: beware of faltering when faced with Allah’s commands and do not procrastinate or ridicule them because to do so leads to hardness of the heart;
• Beware the danger of preventing Allah’s remembrance in the Mosques, or moving to destroy them;
• Who built the Sacred Mosque as well as how and why it was built.
The first Juz of the Qur’an comprises its opening chapter, the seven verses of al-Fa¬tihah (the Opener) and the first part of its longest chapter, al-Baqarah (the Heifer). It is not without reason that some of the early generations considered al-Fatihah to be the ‘Mother of the Book’. In its seven short verses, it contains praise of Allah, it affirms worship must be for him Alone and ends by informing us about the path of guidance. It is followed by the first part of al-Baqarah, which unfolds the nature of mankind through the narrative of the story of Adam and his expulsion from Paradise. The chapter then moves onto the story of the Children of Israel (the Jews) and teaches us important lessons from the story of the heifer (cow).
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
1. Al-Fatihah
2. Al-Baqarah (1 - 141)
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
• Worship is solely and exclusively for Allah, and one must turn to Him Alone for help;
• Allah divides mankind into three categories: Believers, Disbelievers or Hypocrites and describes the characteristics of the hypocrites;
• The story of the heifer contains great lessons: beware of faltering when faced with Allah’s commands and do not procrastinate or ridicule them because to do so leads to hardness of the heart;
• Beware the danger of preventing Allah’s remembrance in the Mosques, or moving to destroy them;
• Who built the Sacred Mosque as well as how and why it was built.
In this Juz, Allah responds to the Jews of the time and the accusations they made when the direction of prayer was changed from the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem to al-Ka’bah in Makkah. Importantly Allah concludes the issue by indicating that purification of one’s soul is more important than facing any particular direction in prayer. The Juz also covers Allah’s wisdom over a number of matters; Inheritance; Marriage; Hajj; and most pertinently, Fasting – the only place in the Qur’an to con¬tain such detailed information about this great act of worship. Throughout this Juz and in between even its most detailed regulations, Allah stresses again and again the necessity of man maintaining, at all times, Taqwa (God Consciousness) – to remain conscious of Allah in all his affairs.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
2. Al-Baqarah (142 - 252)
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
• The obligation of fasting, its rules and regulations and other related matters. This is the only place containing a detailed discussion about fasting, so ponder it well!
• The rules and regulations concerning Hajj, Marriage, Divorce, Suckling etc. in between which Allah stresses the importance of Taqwa
• The story of Jalut (Goliath) and a powerful nation toppled not by sheer numbers or might but through faith, patience and constancy
In this Juz, Allah responds to the Jews of the time and the accusations they made when the direction of prayer was changed from the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem to al-Ka’bah in Makkah. Importantly Allah concludes the issue by indicating that purification of one’s soul is more important than facing any particular direction in prayer. The Juz also covers Allah’s wisdom over a number of matters; Inheritance; Marriage; Hajj; and most pertinently, Fasting – the only place in the Qur’an to con¬tain such detailed information about this great act of worship. Throughout this Juz and in between even its most detailed regulations, Allah stresses again and again the necessity of man maintaining, at all times, Taqwa (God Consciousness) – to remain conscious of Allah in all his affairs.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
2. Al-Baqarah (142 - 252)
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
• The obligation of fasting, its rules and regulations and other related matters. This is the only place containing a detailed discussion about fasting, so ponder it well!
• The rules and regulations concerning Hajj, Marriage, Divorce, Suckling etc. in between which Allah stresses the importance of Taqwa
• The story of Jalut (Goliath) and a powerful nation toppled not by sheer numbers or might but through faith, patience and constancy
This Juz concludes the longest chapter of the Qur’an which contains the greatest verse – Ayat ul-Kursi (verse 282). This immense verse is the greatest single verse in the Qur’an, and its memorisation, understanding and recitation will derive many benefits for the worshipper. Al-Baqarah ends with a number of rulings which demonstrate that charity is a foundation of an Islamic economy as well as Allah’s forbidding of riba’ (usury/interest), declaring those who engage in it as declaring war upon Him. The final three verses of this chapter are a prayer for Allah’s forgive¬ness and for His protection. The Juz continues into the next chapter, Aal-e-Imran (Family of Imran) which covers (amongst others) the story of Esa (Jesus) – the most outstanding example of man’s rejection and misinterpretation of Allah’s message.
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2. Al-Baqarah (253-end)
3. Aal-e-Imran (1-92)
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• The greatest verse in the Qur’an: Ayat ul-Kursi, study it, memorise it and make sure you understand it;
• That riba’ is war against Allah and His Messenger;
• That the Qur’an is the criterion between truth and falsehood and Allah will only accept Islam as the true religion;
• The story of Maryam’s (Mary) mother shows how a righteous, sincere intention has a good effect on one’s child;
• Musa (Moses), Esa, Muhammad (peace be upon them all) were all upon the belief of Tawhid (Divine Unity) and warned against shirk (polytheism);
•We are taught an important lesson when it comes to criticising society or a nation: That it is wrong to generalise.
This Juz concludes the longest chapter of the Qur’an which contains the greatest verse – Ayat ul-Kursi (verse 282). This immense verse is the greatest single verse in the Qur’an, and its memorisation, understanding and recitation will derive many benefits for the worshipper. Al-Baqarah ends with a number of rulings which demonstrate that charity is a foundation of an Islamic economy as well as Allah’s forbidding of riba’ (usury/interest), declaring those who engage in it as declaring war upon Him. The final three verses of this chapter are a prayer for Allah’s forgive¬ness and for His protection. The Juz continues into the next chapter, Aal-e-Imran (Family of Imran) which covers (amongst others) the story of Esa (Jesus) – the most outstanding example of man’s rejection and misinterpretation of Allah’s message.
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2. Al-Baqarah (253-end)
3. Aal-e-Imran (1-92)
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• The greatest verse in the Qur’an: Ayat ul-Kursi, study it, memorise it and make sure you understand it;
• That riba’ is war against Allah and His Messenger;
• That the Qur’an is the criterion between truth and falsehood and Allah will only accept Islam as the true religion;
• The story of Maryam’s (Mary) mother shows how a righteous, sincere intention has a good effect on one’s child;
• Musa (Moses), Esa, Muhammad (peace be upon them all) were all upon the belief of Tawhid (Divine Unity) and warned against shirk (polytheism);
•We are taught an important lesson when it comes to criticising society or a nation: That it is wrong to generalise.
Having appealed to the Christians in the preceding part of Aal-e-‘Imran and the Jews in the previous chapter, Allah now directs His verses to the Muslim community. This begins with a call for the Muslim community to remain united, holding fast to the rope of Allah. It then addresses the battles of Badr and ‘Uhud, detailing the reasons why Badr was a victory against all odds and ‘Uhud the opposite. Allah concludes by reminding us that His Promise is certain and that we must remain patient and have Taqwa (God Consciousness). In this Juz also begins the chapter al-Nisa (Women), named after the numerous references to women and injunctions related to them. This chapter is important, as being revealed after the defeat at ‘Uhud it covers some of the inevitable consequences; distribution of wealth.
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3. Aal-e-Imran (92 - End)
4. An Nisa (1 – 23)
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• The importance of holding fast to Allah’s rope and the significance of unity and not splitting
• The high status of the Muslim nation by virtue of their enjoining the good and prohibiting the evil;
• The evil effects of disobedience as shown to us by the example of the Battle of ‘Uhud;
• The qualities of Allah’s righteous servants. Research and consider them well and do your utmost to be one of them!
• The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) would recite the last verses of Aal-e-Imran upon waking up - ponder them carefully;
• The chapter al-Nisa concentrates on the rights of the weak and downtrodden, the orphans, women, and those oppressed and unable to migrate
Having appealed to the Christians in the preceding part of Aal-e-‘Imran and the Jews in the previous chapter, Allah now directs His verses to the Muslim community. This begins with a call for the Muslim community to remain united, holding fast to the rope of Allah. It then addresses the battles of Badr and ‘Uhud, detailing the reasons why Badr was a victory against all odds and ‘Uhud the opposite. Allah concludes by reminding us that His Promise is certain and that we must remain patient and have Taqwa (God Consciousness). In this Juz also begins the chapter al-Nisa (Women), named after the numerous references to women and injunctions related to them. This chapter is important, as being revealed after the defeat at ‘Uhud it covers some of the inevitable consequences; distribution of wealth.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
3. Aal-e-Imran (92 - End)
4. An Nisa (1 – 23)
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
• The importance of holding fast to Allah’s rope and the significance of unity and not splitting
• The high status of the Muslim nation by virtue of their enjoining the good and prohibiting the evil;
• The evil effects of disobedience as shown to us by the example of the Battle of ‘Uhud;
• The qualities of Allah’s righteous servants. Research and consider them well and do your utmost to be one of them!
• The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) would recite the last verses of Aal-e-Imran upon waking up - ponder them carefully;
• The chapter al-Nisa concentrates on the rights of the weak and downtrodden, the orphans, women, and those oppressed and unable to migrate
This Juz continues the chapter of al-Nisa, named after the numerous references to women and injunctions related to them and family life as a whole. The chapter continues to explain the practical legislation from Allah now relevant to the fledgling Muslim community following the loss of life at the Battle of ‘Uhud. Towards the final quarter of the Juz, Allah rejects the possibility of belief in Him without having belief in all of His Messengers – a refutation of the Jews, who rejected Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Christians who twisted the message of Esa ( Jesus).
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4. Al-Nisa (24-147)
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• Family relations, in particular the relationship of husband and wife and how disputes should be resolved if they arise
• The command to obey Allah, His Messenger and those placed in authority over us and that any differences must be referred back to the Quran and Sunnah (teachings of the Prophet Muhammad).
• Seeking a law besides the law of Allah for judgement is a trait of the hypocrites, indeed they do all they can to turn a person away from Allah’s law!
• Practical legal guidance; shortening the prayer while on a journey; a description of prayer at the time of fear; marital law; how to deal with dis¬cord; the importance of justice; and rules pertaining to separation – all the while reminding a person of being aware of Allah and fearing Him.
• Detail of how the hypocrites align themselves with Allah’s enemies, their laziness in worship, and their final end in the Hereafter.
This Juz continues the chapter of al-Nisa, named after the numerous references to women and injunctions related to them and family life as a whole. The chapter continues to explain the practical legislation from Allah now relevant to the fledgling Muslim community following the loss of life at the Battle of ‘Uhud. Towards the final quarter of the Juz, Allah rejects the possibility of belief in Him without having belief in all of His Messengers – a refutation of the Jews, who rejected Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Christians who twisted the message of Esa ( Jesus).
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4. Al-Nisa (24-147)
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
• Family relations, in particular the relationship of husband and wife and how disputes should be resolved if they arise
• The command to obey Allah, His Messenger and those placed in authority over us and that any differences must be referred back to the Quran and Sunnah (teachings of the Prophet Muhammad).
• Seeking a law besides the law of Allah for judgement is a trait of the hypocrites, indeed they do all they can to turn a person away from Allah’s law!
• Practical legal guidance; shortening the prayer while on a journey; a description of prayer at the time of fear; marital law; how to deal with dis¬cord; the importance of justice; and rules pertaining to separation – all the while reminding a person of being aware of Allah and fearing Him.
• Detail of how the hypocrites align themselves with Allah’s enemies, their laziness in worship, and their final end in the Hereafter.
Zia Anis
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